A few years ago two friends, Andy and Chris, got together and began to dabble with writing songs. To try to get some of their friends to listen to one of their early songs, Chris suggested they said it was by someone else called, 'Rob Connolly'; the pretence lasted all of ten minutes until being rumbled and thrown out! Ever since then Andy has said that if they were to start gigging their songs it would be under the moniker of their fictional singer-songwriter! Fast-forward a few years, and, during a lull in the autumn of 2015, Andy decided to brush the dust off his 'Rob Connolly' songs and share them with the world. Never a lead guitarist, Andy asked Mike to join on lead guitar work and Rob Connolly was born, starting to gig in summer 2016. In the time since then, Naomi (lead singer) and Jill (percussionist) have since joined, completing the current lineup of Rob Connolly.